Anca CRIVAT, Isidorus versificatus – la reeescritura de un texto isidoriano en el siglo XII [Isidorus versificatus – The Rewriting of an Isidorian Text in the Twelfth Century]/ 9-24
Ramona MALIȚA, Le maschere della Commedia dell’arte raffigurate nelle tele di Arcimboldo e di Tiepolo [The Masks of the Commedia Dell’arte Depicted in the Paintings of Arcimboldo and Tiepolo] / 25-41
Monica HUȚANU,Adina CHIRILĂ, A chronicler Hatha Facebook Page: Enregistering “Old Romanian” Online / 43-55
Radu PAVEL GHEO, O istorie a literaturii române contemporane: impact și receptare [A History of Romanian Contemporary Literature: Impact and Reception] / 57-75
Florica BODIȘTEAN, Rescrierea pentru copii: limite şi provocări tematic-discursive. Colecţia Save the Story. Studiu de caz [Rewriting for Children: Theme and Discourse Limits and Challenges. Save the Story Collection. A Case Study] / 77-103
Gabriela GLĂVAN, A Note on Sylvia Plath’s Biographical Mythologies / 105-114
Alain DJARSOUMNA, Afrofascismo cultural y sujeto homosexual en La Bastarda (2016) de Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu [Cultural Afrofascism and homosexual subject in Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu’s La bastarda (2016)] / 115-133
Yakoub ABIDI, Estudio comparativo sobre el tema religioso y el pecado en El Escándalo de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón y La Piedra Lunar de William Wilkie Collins [Comparative Study on the Religious Theme and Sin in Scandal by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón and Moonstone by William Wilkie Collins] / 135-144
Andreea-Roxana DOBRESCU, La machine concentrationnaire nazie. Le corps humain entre déchirement et anéantissement : La Part du fils de Jean-Luc Coatalem [The Nazi Concentrationary Machine. Human Body between Tearing and Annihilation in La Part du fils by Jean-Luc Coatelem] / 145-165
Dumitru TUCAN, Jurnalul ca supraviețuire. Trei jurnale ale Holocaustului [The Diary as Survival. Three Holocaust Diaries / 167-180
Andrada SAVIN, Réka KOVÁCS, Aufzählen statt Erzählen. Die Liste als Instrument zur Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit in gegenwärtigen deutschsprachigen Familiennarrativen [Listing Instead of Telling. Enumeration as a Means of Reprocessing the Past in Contemporary German Family Narratives] / 181-195
Maria ROXIN, Die drückende Last der Mittelmässigkeit: Betrachtungen zu Robert Schneiders Roman Die Offenbarung [The Heavy Burden of Being Ordinary. Considerations on Robert Schneiderʼs Novel Die Offenbarung] / 197-209
Beate Petra KORY, Formen der Kommunikation des schizophrenen März in Heinar Kipphardts gleichnamigen Roman [Forms of Communication Used by the Schizophrenic März in Heinar Kipphardt’s Eponymous Novel] / 211-225
Maria SUBI, Amurgul „sub semnul barocului” [The Twilight „under the Sign of the Baroque”] / 227
Gabriela RADU, „Actualizarea” omiliei hrisostomice prin traducere – Omilia I la Epistola Sf. Apostol Pavel către Filipeni [The Actuality of Chrysostomic Homily I on Philippians] / 235-243
Irina DINCĂ, Mihaela-Oana GOGOȘEANU, Erori recurente în interlimba studenților din Haiti care învață limba română ca L2 [Recurrent errors in the interlanguage of Haitian students learning Romanian as a second language] / 245-265
Daniela KOHN, Gabriel KOHN, Implicarea studenților în dezvoltarea și evaluarea competențelor de mediere. Studiu de caz: RLS, limbaj medical [Involving Students in Practicing and Assessing Mediation. Case Study: Medical Romanian] / 267-281
Daniela KOHN, Reconfigurarea testelor de RLS în context (post)pandemic. Amprenta „elementelor secundare” în examinarea și evaluarea competențelor de comunicare în testul scris [Redesigning Romanian Language Tests in a (Post)pandemic Context. The Influence of “Secondary Elements” in the Assessment of the Communication Competences in Written Tests] / 283-297