Review process

The Review Process (double-blind peer-review)

For Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form to the journal’s ( and the Editorial Secretary’s ( email addresses. They will undergo an initial screening by the members of the editorial team, whose areas of expertise are very diverse. If they meet the expected standards regarding relevance to the journal’s scope and text quality, the manuscripts will be made anonymous (by the editors) and sent to two reviewers specialized in the subject area(s) of the study. Each reviewer will make an independent assessment, recommending the acceptance or the rejection of the manuscript and, if necessary, will make specific suggestions to the authors. The authors will be notified by the editors about the peer-review decision (acceptance; acceptance with minor revisions; acceptance with major revisions and another round of peer-review; rejection) and will receive any suggestions for improvement that may have been made. In this case, the authors will be asked to revise and resubmit the text, to be reviewed a second time, by a deadline set by the editors.

The manuscripts that meet the journal’s scientific standards are accepted for publication depending on the space available in the journal, the submission date and the completion of the peer-review process, followed by the revision of the text. Preference is given to articles that are new and innovative, demonstrate originality of thought or analysis, show good knowledge of the specialized literature, applied to the interpretation of data, satisfy requirements of scientific quality (design, organization, clarity, readability) and treat highly relevant topics.

For Reviewers

The peer-review process follows the norms of the academic community in the journal’s main domains. For the evaluation of the manuscripts they receive from the editors, reviewers are kindly asked to use the journal’s review report form. Additional comments may be made in the special section of this form or in the manuscript. Reviewers will send the editors the completed review form (together with the manuscript, if comments have been made in the text) within maximum a month after receiving the contributions. They will make one of the recommendations indicated in the form (acceptance; acceptance with minor revisions; acceptance with major revisions and another round of peer-review; rejection). When faced with divergent recommendations, the editors will ask for the opinion of a third reviewer, whose recommendation will determine whether the manuscript will be accepted or not.