Cuprins 2019


Csilla MIHÁLY,Kafkas ‚Katzenlamm‘. Zur Interpretation der Nachlasserzählung Eine Kreuzung [Kafka’s ‘Cat-lamb’. On the Interpretation of the Short Story A Crossbreed] / 5-11

Gabriela GLĂVAN,Evreitatea lui Kafka. Note în jurul nuvelei Metamorfoza [Kafka’s Jewishness. Notes on The Metamorphosis] / 13-18

Maria PAȘCALĂU,Moses Gaster și Lazăr Șăineanu: Problema dublei identități [Moses Gaster and Lazăr Șăineanu: The Question of Double Identity] / 19-29

Elena CRAȘOVAN,Mormântul gol. Structuri arhetipale în Povestea Marelui Brigand de Petru Cimpoeșu [The Empty Grave. Archetypal Structures in The Story of the Great Brigand by Petru Cimpoeșu] / 31-41

Laura MAFTEI, Tatiana BARBAROŞ,, Vitoria, a Woman “Who Runs with the Wolves” / 43-54

Nicola PERENCIN, Bogdan Damian e Sila Samodiva, – prospettive mitologiche e rituali [Bogdan Dimian and Sila Samodiva – Ritual and Mythological Perspectives] / 55-76

Maria SUBI, Venus Anadyomene: Venus orta mari (Ovidius, Heroides, XV, 213) [Venus Anadyomene: Venus Orta Mari] / 77-93

Lavinia SIMILARU, Ambientes madrileños en las novelas contemporáneas de Benito Pérez Galdós [Madrid’s Environments in the Benito Pérez Galdós’s Contemporary Novels] / 95-103

Roxana Maria CREŢU, Expresiones con nacionalidades y nombres de lugares [Idiomatic expressions with nationalities and names of places] / 105-124

Maria-Cristina TRUȘCĂ, Greaca comună – vehicul al conceptelor creștine [The Common Greek as Vehicle of Christian Concepts] / 125-137

Sorin CIUTACU,, Arabia in the Early Modern European Mind. Representations of Arabia in Early Modern European Maps / 139-144

Roxana ROGOBETE, Mădălina CHITEZ, Disparities in Humanities Research Initiatives Within the European Higher Education Area / 145-153

Ramona MALIȚA, Adélaïde et Théodore, une nouvelle staëlienne de jeunesse. Traduction inedite [Adélaïde et Théodore, A Short Story by the Young Madame de Staël: The First Romanian Translation] / 155-164

II.OMAGIERI / 165-172

III.RECENZII / 173-183